
Direct Flights to Vietnam Vs Stop Over Flights to Vietnam

The differences between direct flights to Vietnam and stopover flights to Vietnam. Things you can count on with both types of flights.

There are many advantages and disadvantages to direct flights to Vietnam. Many people prefer direct flights to Vietnam so as the time factor is less. For those of us out there trying to save a buck or two, lay over flights  to Vietnam are more tempting. This is an attempt to show you all the relevant pros and cons of direct flights  to Vietnam and stopover flights to Vietnam. 

direct flights to Vietnam vs Stopover flights
Direct flights to Vietnam Vs Stopover Flights: Pros and Cons

Direct flights to Vietnam are in general easier. They take less time, your luggage is at less of a risk to get lost, and you are all around less stressed. Direct flights to Vietnam are also alarmingly more expensive than stopover flights. Cost can be as much as double, but some believe the cost is worthwhile. 

Stopover flights to Vietnam, as a rule, are more hectic. You get off the first plane and need to locate the next gate. Then it is waiting time. More often than not, one of the flights will be late and you will not make your destination on time. Flights to Vietnam with layovers are usually a lot less expensive. Is the discount worth it? 

As a person who does not enjoy flying, I will always try for a direct flight to Vietnam. The fewer times that I have to deal with take-off, the happier I am. I will gladly pay a higher cost to be there quicker without hassle. If my stomach only has to go through turbulence once, it is worth the higher ticket cost. 

Now, for others this case is not true at all. Smokers especially like layovers flights to Vietnam because it is a chance to stop halfway and get nicotine. Some people like layovers to relax in the airport, have lunch, freshen up, or make phone calls. Still there are others who are just too cheap to pay for the extra cost for direct flights to Vietnam. 

In conclusion, it is personal preference as to the decision of direct flights to Vietnam or stopover flights. Many people have there own reasons to choosing a specific flight. But, for less time and hassle while spending more money direct flights to Vietnam when available are a good choice. Either way you fly, airports are a hectic scene and should be taken lightly. 

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