
Travel Advice


Becareful when buying Vietnam flight tickets. Nowadays, there are many forged airline agency. It makes  information fake : Name, End date, seat number,...  .You must check exactly information your ticket and call to airline office to confirm. The best advice that you chosen a prestige airline as: Vietnam Airline, Asia Airline, Pacific airline,..


Petty street crime is increasing in the large cities (such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi) and tourist resorts. Nha Trang Beach also saw an increase in bag snatching during the summer months. However, as with everywhere is you are fairly cautious and take sensible precautions you have a few things to worry about.

There is a low terrorist threat level in Vietnam. However, you should be aware of the global threat of terrorist attacks indiscriminately, which could be in public areas, including those frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.

Serious crime or violence against foreigners is rare in Vietnam, but travellers should remain alert to theft, especially in large cities (such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi ), and when travelling by bus or train.

Illegal drugs are increasingly available in major cities. Drug trafficking and possession carries heavy penalties, including the death penalty which is enforced in Vietnam.


Hurricanes and tropical storms often occur in Vietnam between June and December. During August, September and October 2008, Northern and Central Vietnam experienced heavy rains, which led to severe flooding in Hanoi. This caused significant damage to the local infrastructure, including disrupting road and rail links.

Cyclone Ketsana passed across central Vietnam on Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th September, 2009. The Cyclone caused casualties in rural areas and damage to infrastructure, including traffic disruption and energy services in the central provinces such as Da Nang, Quang Ngai and the surrounding areas. Tourists in an affected area, or planning to visit one, should register with their Foreign Office.


Outbreaks of Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) in Vietnam have led to more than 50 reports of human deaths. As a precaution, travelers should avoid live animal markets, poultry farms and other places where they can have close contact with domestic and wild birds in cages; and ensure that all poultry and eggs are thoroughly cooked.

The Health Department of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi have suspended bottled water producers who violate regulations on safety and hygiene. Some bottles were found to contain the Aerugionosa Pseudomonas bacteria, which can cause infections and sepsis in humans.

Dengue Fever is endemic in Vietnam and can occur throughout the year, unfortunately are no vaccination or immunizations. Recently there has been a growing number of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Vietnam during periods of heavy rain, and there were some serious cases, some of which were fatal.

Again, by taking proper precautions and being hygienic, most risks can be avoided.
Some tip above can help you avoid the bad things in here. Hope a have a wonderful vacation after booking a Vietnam flight tickets.

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